Welcome to Wizard University!


As of 2024, access to Wizard University is available as an exclusive benefit of our Premium Service Plan subscriptions (includes rental customers). We are offering several levels of online courses, from beginning to advanced. As we continue to build out the curriculum, these educational video tutorials will cover a variety of topics related to the custom picture framing industry, including how to use Wizard’s proprietary FrameShop™ mat design software and industry-leading Computerized Mat Cutters (CMC) to their fullest potential.

Our goal is to become a valuable training resource for our customers by helping them expand their professional knowledge and increase creative capabilities, ultimately making Wizard users the most successful in their businesses.

Learn and be inspired.

Explore Our Courses

Class is in session!

We encourage feedback on the courses we currently offer, and also invite you to suggest additional course topics for us to consider. Please submit your ideas here for curriculum you’d like to see offered in the future.


Explore current & planned course offerings:

Be inspired

See examples of the incredible things that can be created using a Wizard computerized mat cutter.