Trace: 201
Importing Custom Artwork
Getting Familiar with FrameShop Trace
Are you intimidated by the options in Trace? Learn all about this vector-based utility within FrameShop that makes it possible to alter shapes and create custom drawings or logos. Brian will explore all the features and demonstrate each function within Trace. He’ll review several projects that show the benefits of knowing basic Trace operations so you can realize your potential as you continue to experiment. This course will help you build confidence in your abilities using the software and understand the capabilities you have to create unique mat designs.
Advanced Creativity in FrameShop Trace
Once the stage is set with guidelines for drawing curves and angles, Brian will demonstrate best practices for tracing over images and techniques for working with automatically vectorized shapes. He’ll show ideas for incorporating drawn shapes into your designs, going beyond simple cutouts while bridging artistry and technicality. Explore multi-layer matboard designs, where you'll discover how to overlap and unite elements to take advantage of dimension and color. This course will open your eyes to the next step of creative possibilities and provide the tools to transform your projects into captivating masterpieces that leave a lasting impression!